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Gym-ing it

As I mentioned in yesterdays post I was trying to decide whether or not to go out and do my long run this morning taking into consideration the rubbish weather we’ve been experiencing here. When I woke up and it was dark, cold and still raining I decided to go to the gym and do my run on the treadmill instead. I’m just not as hardcore as some of you other runners – 12 miles in the rain and wind does not sound like fun to me! I had been planning a step back week next weekend anyway so all I have done is switched this week with next week. In fact I think I’ve ended up doing better as I added in additional cardio and did some speed work.

A hour and a half before I went to the gym I had a Peanut Butter and Oat Bar and a chopped apple.


At the gym I did 4 miles on the treadmill, first mile slow (6mph), second mile at a comfortable pace (6.5mph), third mile at a faster pace (7mph) and then the forth mile back at the 6.5mph. It took about 37 minutes. As I would be ready to cave my own head in if I stayed on the treadmill any longer I broke it up my doing 10 minutes on the cross trainer and 10 minutes on the step machine before jumping back on the treadmill for another 4 miles of the same but starting with a mile at 6.5mph, then 7mph then 6.5 for the rest of the run with a few minutes going back up to 7mph in the last couple of miles. That came in at 36 minutes. I finished off with 20 minutes on the bike – that ended up being 2 hours of cardio! I actually really enjoyed this workout, changing up my speeds kept my run interesting. Typically as soon as I was done at the gym the sun came out!

I wasn’t that hungry when I came home but I knew I needed to eat. I made a smoothie with soy milk, frozen strawberries, nutty berry spirutein and a few ice cubes. I topped with a crumbled apple, cinnamon and blueberry protein muffin and some fresh blueberries.

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This was gorgeous, the muffin that I had made a couple of weeks ago and frozen had defrosted really well and still tasted lovely and moist inside.

For a late lunch I made a home made spelt and egg white wrap and filled it with half a mashed avocado, spinach, turkey and alfalfa sprouts. I had some cucumber slices on the side and a bowl of melon.

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Dinner was absolutely delicious! I made some courgette ‘pasta’ using my spiraliser and made some sauce using lean minced beef, mushrooms, garlic, roast aubergine, roast pepper and some tomato pasta sauce. I added some rocket on the side too.

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For desert I had some of my dark chocolate vintage buttons.


When I was out getting a few groceries this morning I decided to pick up these two herb pots – basil and mint.


I’ve tried keeping the living plants before but they usually die so I’m hoping that I manage to keep these alive! I’ve really been enjoying using these herbs in my cooking, and as they were 2 for £2 I thought it made a lot more sense to buy a living plant than having to keep buying the plastic packs that only last a couple of days anyway. This morning I made some mint green tea simply by adding a few mint leaves into the teapot with the tea bags and it was lovely. Do you use fresh herbs in your cooking? What’s your favourite herb? Mine was mint but I think basil has taken its crown!

Well I’m going to head off, we are planning on settling down for the evening and watching The Hangover and I suspect a glass of red wine will be involved too! Hope you’ve all had a great Saturday!


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