jual kayu murah menerima order bahan

Gym bunny

I’m not going to mention too much more about the snow even though I could fill a whole post! Its still here, its still very thick and deep but luckily I have managed to get out and about so I don’t end up with cabin fever!

Yesterday I was super happy that my gym was open. So happy that I walked up there in the bitterly (and I mean bitterly) cold to get in a good workout. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill: first 5 minutes at 6mph, next 5 at 6.5mph then next 5 at 7mph, then repeated. I then did 20 minutes on the step machine, cross trainer and bike for a total 1hr 30 minute cardio workout. I felt great afterwards – more just for getting out of the flat! Today has been a rest day then tomorrow I’m heading back for a good HIIT workout followed by some weights and core work on the stability ball.

Thanks for the comments with links to at home workouts, even thought I didn’t have to use them I now have some great ideas for home workouts if I fancy a change from doing DVD’s. Here’s the links to the resources. Thanks to Alison, Laura and Jo for pointing me in the right direction!

Body Rock TV – great body inspiration!

Ross Training – ideas for home work outs and DIY equipment

Figure Athlete – Rachel Cosgrove Metabolic workout

Food has been really tasty these past few days. I think I’ve been a little more creative than usual with being at home.




  Mixed berry cinnamon oats in a jar followed by a vanilla chai coffee

CIMG8810Dorset Cereals Toasted Spelt Muesli with mixed frozen fruits and a chopped apple with soy milk

Yesterdays and today’s lunch has been this salad beast:


I wasn’t kidding when I said I have been craving raw veggies! Salad contained watercress, spinach, carrot, red cabbage, cucumber, green chilli, red onion, raw cauliflower topped with Jalapeño hummus. So good and amazingly filling – I was left with a serious food baby after eating these! I also enjoyed the heat from the chilli in the salad, great way of eating something fresh but still getting some of that cold weather comfort. I’ve followed lunch with plenty of fresh fruit like this orange and sliced apple:

I had a very tasty mid afternoon snack: Rachel’s Organic Greek Yoghurt with flaked almonds and honey:


Last nights dinner was some Lentil and Root Veg Stew with roast brussels and some steamed cavolo nero plus two plums:


Tonight I made some Kabocha and Adzuki bean stew and served it with some steamed broccoli and cavolo nero, toasted seeds and parsley.


I love this simple dish. Kabocha squash is so delicious, when I saw it in Waitrose last week I bought it even though I knew I would have to lug it around with me for two hours while I shopped! I have loads left over so I’m going to try making a simple soup and a twist on my Butternut Smoothie.

Tonight’s desert was some tofutti vanilla ice cream with one of Tam’s cherry chocolate chip cookies from the cookie exchange out of the freezer:


So yummy!

I have my lovely hubby off for the weekend so earlier we had a drive to my parents to help them put their Christmas tree up, that’s my Dad and little nephew:


I felt really festive! Next weekend is going to be a bit of a baking weekend. I’ve been asked to make some low carb / sugar baked treats for my Grandma who is diabetic. I’m also going to make some vegan almond and quinoa muffins for James as he loves anything almond flavoured, and some gingerbread cookies. I can’t wait!

I’ve also been looking at turkey alternatives for Christmas lunch. If your a vegetarian or vegan what is your favourite turkey replacement for Christmas lunch? I’m thinking either lentil loaf, seitan (I still have the vital wheat gluten I ordered from the states) or some kind of legume and grain cutlets.


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