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‘Good as the Gym’ Home Workout

Hi everyone, hope you are having a great Monday! I’ve had a wonderful bank holiday Monday that started with the most awesome home workout. As my gym doesn’t open until 10am on holidays, and as I prefer working out first thing combined with the dodgy knee, I decided to workout at home today. Usually I never feel like home workouts give me the same ‘burn’ as using the machines at the gym, however after reading blogs Pure2Raw, Fit Villain and looking at sites like Body Rock TV, I thought I could come up with something that would give me a great workout, and better yet, in a short period of time.

Laura’s 30 Minute ‘Good as the Gym’ Home Workout

*Disclaimer* I am not a trained fitness expert or personal trainer, this is just a workout I did for myself! If you want to try it out, I take no responsibility for any mishaps!

Equipment needed:


  • Dumbbells – I used my two sets of 4.5kg and 2.3kg dumbbells. If you don’t have dumbbells you could use bottles of water, tins of beans etc.
  • ‘Sand bag’ – I filled a rucksack with heavy books (the Next catalogues do a good job!) and one of my 4.5kg dumbbells. A small hold all bag would also work well.
  • Interval timer – I downloaded the wonderful Gym Boss interval timer app free for my iPhone. If you can’t get the app you can still do this with any stop watch or clock.
  • Exercise Mat


Set your interval timer to do 10 x 1 minute intervals – or just use your stop watch or clock. Repeat each move continuously for the whole minute before moving on to the next exercise without rest. Rest for about one minute between rounds. I’ve tried to link to some videos of some of the moves:

Round 1 - 10 x 1 min intervals

  1. Jumping jacks
  2. Shoulder press with large weights
  3. High knees
  4. Burpee with push up
  5. Jumping jacks
  6. Dead lift and row with sandbag (this move and this move one after each other)
  7. High knees
  8. Tricep dips (I did mine on the edge of a chair)
  9. Jumping jacks
  10. Clean and press with sand bag

Round 2 10 x 1 min intervals

  1. ‘Shadow’ Skipping (basically just jumping up and down as if you were skipping)
  2. Sand bag dragon lunge and row – shown in this video
  3. Side lunges and jump
  4. Right weighted low squat – shown as part of this video
  5. ‘Shadow’ Skipping
  6. Left weighted low squat – shown as part of this video
  7. Side lunges and jump
  8. Lunge back and kick right leg
  9. ‘Shadow’ Skipping
  10. Lunge back and kick left leg

Round 3 10 x 1 minute intervals

  1. Full sit ups
  2. Plank rows and tricep kick back
  3. Bicycle crunches
  4. Plank with leg lifts and shoulder touches – moves 1 & 2 from this workout
  5. Full sit ups
  6. Wood chop with large weight right side
  7. Bicycle crunches
  8. Wood chop with large weight left side
  9. Full sit ups
  10. Plank hold

I found this to be a super workout, I was very hot and sweaty after completing it! Let me know if any of you try it out :-) I followed this up with a 40 minute MTV Yoga DVD and foam rolling to stretch out.

I’ve had some tasty eats today too, after my workout I enjoyed a gorgeous smoothie in a bowl for breakfast:


Beet greens, cos lettuce, frozen cherries, small raw beet, chocolate sun warrior, maca powder, msm, barley grass powder, stevia, water, ice, xanthan and guar gums for thickness topped with a sauce made from roasted peanut butter with flax and some freeze dried berries.

Lunch was a brilliant hummus topped salad:


I love my giant hummus topper salads and haven’t had one in ages, this included cos lettuce, carrot, yellow pepper, sugar snaps, beetroot and a large serving of my roasted pepper hummus, delish!

Dinner was leftover millet pilaf from last night served with steamed kale and some lovely roasted chickpeas:


For dessert I had some organic dark chocolate covered mulberries:


Got to have my chocolate fix!

I’m very excited right now, as tomorrow I’ll be heading down to Manchester to meet several lovely lady bloggers! I love blogger meet ups and I’m sure we are all going to have an awesome time!

Do you work out at home? Do you feel like you get the same ‘burn’ working out at home as you do at the gym? What kind of equipment do have at home? Any favourite workout DVD’s?


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