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Goals for 2011 and a new inspiration board


I looked at some of the things that I achieved in 2010 in this post.

For 2011 I want to build on these things by working towards the following goals:

  • Travel – I would love to get away for a couple of city breaks if possible
  • Go out more – now that James has a new job we will hopefully have the opportunity for more nights out, gigs, eating out etc
  • Get our flat on the market (although I’m realistic enough to know it probably won’t sell)
  • Spend more quality time with my friends and family
  • Get back to living on a budget (my spending has been a bit out of control recently!)
  • Start to think about where I would like to take my career when my current work contract is up
  • Maintain weight by focusing on health rather than being ‘skinny’
  • Complete the Great North Run again and beat my time of 2hrs 7 minutes
  • Improve my muscle tone and definition, particularly my abs, chest and bum
  • Be able to do a full push up and be able to hold a plank for 2 minutes
  • Continue to enjoy cooking, baking and experimenting with new ingredients
  • Keep up my yoga practice
  • Continue blogging!

A few months ago I made an inspiration board full of images and phases to keep me motivated. I thought it might be nice to refresh this and make a new one to inspire me for the next few months:

Inspiration Board 2011

I have this set as my desk top background – love it!  Have you ever made an inspiration board? What are your goals for 2011?

To get the year kicked off to a super healthy start I’m going to be following my own month long special plan that I’ll be starting on 2nd January. I’m also giving my training programme a bit of an over haul to help me meet some of those goals! I’ll post the full details of my plan in the New Year. I actually can’t wait to get started, I know I haven’t gone massively over the top with my eats but I've definitely eaten a lot more indulgently than usual and I feel very sugared out. I see lots of green monsters in my future!

Before I bid you farewell, I’d just like to say a huge big thank you to everyone who reads the blog, follows me via goggle, facebook, twitter or blog lovin and who takes the time to comment or email me, it means more than you can imagine. My blog birthday is coming up in January so I’ll be running another fab giveaway!

I hope you all have a fantastic New Year, all the best for 2011, lets make it a great one!




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