Foods That Lower Lung Cancer Risk

The American Institute of Cancer Research found compelling evidence that a diet high in fruit can lower lung cancer risk as much as 36% of U.S. lung cancer cases not caused by tobacco. The AICR recommends eating at least 5 servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables every day!

This may seem hard to do, but the AICR makes it easy by suggesting you rethink your plate.
As a dietitian, my mantra is food first; there is convincing evidence that high-dose supplements of beta-carotene can actually increase lung cancer risk. Therefore, it is better to get your beta-carotene from vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes.
In the food form, the phytochemical beta-carotene neutralizes free radicals, which may damage cells. The anti-cancer compounds found in cabbage and kale such as indole-3-carbinoles and isothiocyanates have also been linked to a lower incidence of lung cancer.
Sauerkraut anyone?
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