jual kayu murah menerima order bahan

Enjoying my last day off!

I managed to have a lovely lie in this morning for the first time in weeks! Usually my body clock has me awake before 6 but I slept in till 7.30, it was lovely.
Breakfast was a bowl of strawberries, fromage frais and a slice of Date, Carrot and Walnut Loaf Cake.


Oh so good! I went and did my grocery shop this morning, I’m finding it so hard not to fill my trolley full with all the amazing fresh fruits and veggies. I probably ended up getting too much, I’ll be eating a lot of berries
over the next few days! Whilst at the supermarket I picked up these Goat Cheese Babybels:


Thanks to Stella for tweeting about these, they are fab! I sliced two and used them to fill a 1 egg and 2 egg white omelette, along with some spinach. I also had a RAW cracker and some sugar snap peas.


Such a lovely filling meal! I followed that with a smoothie made with a peach, a nectarine, some frozen raspberries and soy milk.


Delicious! Mid afternoon I snacked on the last of my hummus with some veggies.


I also tried out some Liquorice and Peppermint Tea Pigs to sip on while I had a nice bath.


This tea was delicious! It tastes really sweet without any sugar or sweeteners, I have to get a box of this soon! For dinner I steamed a chicken breast in foil and served it with half a baked sweet potato, steamed broccoli, savoy cabbage and a little gravy.


Just about close enough to a traditional Sunday dinner! For a little desert I had four squares of my new chilli dark chocolate and a chopped golden delicious apple.


The chilli chocolate tasted amazing! I wasn’t quite sure what to expect but it basically tastes just like dark chocolate but with that chilli ‘heat’. Very tasty indeed! I’ve also just went back to the kitchen for another apple. Feeling snacky again!

Yesterday the hubby and I were out having a look around some of our local shops to get some ideas for our week of sorting our flat out. We ended up finding this little dining table:


It was only £30 (so I think it qualifies as a budget buy!), is solid wood and also has another two chairs which we have stored away under the sofas. As we live in a small one bedroom flat we have to be as creative as possible with space. This little dining set fit the bill as it will fold away if needed. Its actually designed for outdoor use but I think that once its properly dressed with chair pads and a nice table runner it will look fab. None of our furniture really matches (lets just say were going for the eclectic look!) so it should look ok. I can’t wait to be able to eat a proper meal at a table instead of on my lap for a change! Do you have a dining table? Do you use it very often or is it just for special occasions? Do you prefer all your furniture to match?

I’m also well chuffed as I have managed to figure out Ebay and now have several items up for sale. I hope I manage to make a few pounds to help with my Big Budget Challenge.

I’ve also spent some of this weekend trying to improve my food photography a bit after reading this post on (never home)maker. I’ve stopped using the flash and tried photographing near a natural light source, which tends to be right on my kitchen windowsill! I think my photos have definitely improved, what do you think?
Well I’m off to chill out for the rest of the evening before I’m back to the grind tomorrow. Hope you have all had a great weekend! x


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