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Eating with the seasons

Look what arrived this morning!

CIMG5971 CIMG5974

That’s my race pack for the Great North Run. I love my pink racing number, my heart fluttered when I saw my name printed on it – I’m really going to be doing this! It may seem like I’m making a huge big fuss about this event, but its almost become the culmination of all my health and weight loss endeavours over the last two years. Doing the Great North Run is not only achieving one of my life goals but its doing something that if I’m honest, I never really thought I’d be capable of doing. It means a hell of a lot to me.

Today I have been working from home which is always good as I can focus much better and end up getting a lot of tasks done. I started with 45 minutes of strength courtesy of my Davina DVD. I then made myself a huge big chocolate cherry green monster smoothie (3 handfuls of spinach, frozen cherries, scoop of chocolate whey, coconut milk, teaspoon of maca powder and 1/4 teaspoon of matcha green tea powder) topped with some grape nuts cereal, cinnamon and a few cacao nibs.


This was very tasty as usual but I did add a bit more cinnamon as it tasted rather ‘grassy’ - I think I added too much spinach!

Mid morning I made myself a delicious hazelnut and cinnamon coffee using my new little gadget to make frothy milk. I had seen JAG using this to make her morning lattes and when I saw one on the cheap at the supermarket I had to pick one up.


My coffee was delicious and kept me going through the morning.

Lunch was another sesame and almond tofu salad same as last nights dinner but with red onion instead of spring onion.


Such a good salad, love all the colourful veggies in this. I also had a bowl of fruit: 1 sliced kiwi, blueberries and strawberries.


The beauty of being able to work from home occasionally is that you can be more flexible with how you spend your day. I may have a couple of half an hour breaks to do things around the house but then I’ll work until 7 or 8pm so overall I’m getting done what I need too for both work and home. I decided to have a break in the afternoon and do some Yoga for Runners. After the weekends 13 miles I really needed the stretch! For my snack I tried out something new. I mixed up a heaped teaspoon of almond butter with a pot of Total 0% Greek Yoghurt and a little agave then topped with a few whole almonds and another little drizzle of agave.


This was really tasty! Definitely a keeper.

Dinner was a big stir fry containing chicken, broccoli, red pepper, carrot, red onion, soya beans, spinach, ginger, chilli and soy sauce.


Delish! For desert I had 6 of my dark chocolate vintage buttons along with two sliced apples.


Food in season

As part of my attempts to save money I decided to do a little bit of research to find out what fruit and vegetables are in season, or about to come into season. I usually find that when something is in season and is more available its cheaper and tastier. Obviously there are loads of other benefits of eating fruit and veg in season such as the environmental benefit of lower food miles. I also feel more in ‘sync’ with nature and the yearly cycle when eating with the seasons, although I do love my frozen fruit for berries all year round!

The Love British Food website states the following fruits and vegetables are in season throughout September to November:In season sept-novAnother fantastic website I came across was Eat The Seasons which is updated every Wednesday with the best of the seasons produce along with recipe ideas. Its really helped with my meal planning too. What new season fruits and vegetables are you looking forward to eating? I can’t wait to make leek and potato soup, apple and blackberry crumble and to have plums with my porridge!


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