Don't want this weekend to end!
It just goes to show how stuffed I must have been yesterday, after I'd posted I didn't even think of going back into the kitchen for anything for dinner which is so not like me! This is probably why I was so hungry when I woke up this morning and ended up making a huge bowl of banana porridge for breakfast! I nuked a frozen banana for a few seconds then added some oats, water and cinnamon to the bowl and cooked some more until creamy. I added a bit of vanilla rice milk and topped with a spoonful of crunchy peanut butter. Perfection!
I also had a cup of green tea with it. This bowl of porridge was massive, I'm going to have to keep an eye on my portion sizes in future, although I'm glad that I did have a big breakfast as it saw me right through to lunch at 1pm.
This morning I headed into Newcastle again, this time with my Mam and Sister. We had a good look round the shops and picked up a couple of things for our holiday in June. I bought a black maxi dress with an embellished neckline of gold burnished sequins, it looks very dramatic! Its also great now, as me and my sister are the same clothes size so we can share our wardrobes! When we were shopped out we popped into Waitrose before heading home. I love this shop, I got a couple of regular things I needed but also picked up some chocolate flavour rice milk, some multigrain rye bread which I've popped in the freezer to keep and a bottle of naked green superfood juice which I had with my lunch. My Mam also made me a sandwich with a slice of ham, lettuce, cucumber and coleslaw on seeded bread which I had with an apple and a satsuma.
After lunch I headed home but before I went I left my Mam and my Sis with a Nakd bar each to review! Looking forward to see if they like them as much as I do.
When I got home I decided to do a couple of exercise DVD's as the gym had shut at 1pm. I did a few of Davina's workouts which are more cardio based - Superfit with additional abs, aerobics and yoga stretch, totaling about 1hr 10mins. I didn't get my sweat on as much as I do in the gym but this will just have to do for today! After my workout I made myself a bowl of miso soup with some added minced ginger, a little soy sauce and some carrot and spinach to make it a little more filling.
Not bad for less than 50 calories! It was just what I needed to take the edge off my hunger and give me a savory hit. After my soup I had a Ginger Bread Nakd bar.
Really enjoyed this bar as well! I've never tried this flavour before, really liked the taste and texture. It was quite strongly spiced with cloves which I don't mind as I love that flavour, but I could imagine it being too strong for some people. The good thing with these is that they are so strongly flavoured the little bar satisfies you.
For dinner I made up a salad of mixed leaves, spinach, red onion, cucumber and carrot and topped it with a load of cottage cheese.
I really need to have a good nose around the fresh produce aisle and get some more inspiration for ingredients for my salads as I think I'm getting into a cucumber, carrot and red onion rut! Any suggestions? I followed my salad with some frozen raspberries and vanilla rice milk.
Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea, peppermint tea
Well back to work tomorrow! I know I'm going to feel all off with my days next week with missing the Monday. So how has everyone's Easter weekend gone? I hope you have all had a great time. I've really enjoyed the Easter break and wish it wouldn't end! I've enjoyed doing some of my favourite things - eating, drinking, relaxing, shopping, exercising, eating... Although I overindulged a little bit I didn't lose control and go for a total binge so I'm happy about that! I've ate quite well today and plan to for the rest of the week. I'm also looking forward to cooking up some new dishes next weekend. I love a bit of experimentation in the kitchen! Well I'm off to join the Hubby watching the Newcastle match, glad they've been promoted! Hope you've all had a good one x
I also had a cup of green tea with it. This bowl of porridge was massive, I'm going to have to keep an eye on my portion sizes in future, although I'm glad that I did have a big breakfast as it saw me right through to lunch at 1pm.
This morning I headed into Newcastle again, this time with my Mam and Sister. We had a good look round the shops and picked up a couple of things for our holiday in June. I bought a black maxi dress with an embellished neckline of gold burnished sequins, it looks very dramatic! Its also great now, as me and my sister are the same clothes size so we can share our wardrobes! When we were shopped out we popped into Waitrose before heading home. I love this shop, I got a couple of regular things I needed but also picked up some chocolate flavour rice milk, some multigrain rye bread which I've popped in the freezer to keep and a bottle of naked green superfood juice which I had with my lunch. My Mam also made me a sandwich with a slice of ham, lettuce, cucumber and coleslaw on seeded bread which I had with an apple and a satsuma.
After lunch I headed home but before I went I left my Mam and my Sis with a Nakd bar each to review! Looking forward to see if they like them as much as I do.
When I got home I decided to do a couple of exercise DVD's as the gym had shut at 1pm. I did a few of Davina's workouts which are more cardio based - Superfit with additional abs, aerobics and yoga stretch, totaling about 1hr 10mins. I didn't get my sweat on as much as I do in the gym but this will just have to do for today! After my workout I made myself a bowl of miso soup with some added minced ginger, a little soy sauce and some carrot and spinach to make it a little more filling.
Not bad for less than 50 calories! It was just what I needed to take the edge off my hunger and give me a savory hit. After my soup I had a Ginger Bread Nakd bar.
For dinner I made up a salad of mixed leaves, spinach, red onion, cucumber and carrot and topped it with a load of cottage cheese.
I really need to have a good nose around the fresh produce aisle and get some more inspiration for ingredients for my salads as I think I'm getting into a cucumber, carrot and red onion rut! Any suggestions? I followed my salad with some frozen raspberries and vanilla rice milk.
Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea, peppermint tea
Well back to work tomorrow! I know I'm going to feel all off with my days next week with missing the Monday. So how has everyone's Easter weekend gone? I hope you have all had a great time. I've really enjoyed the Easter break and wish it wouldn't end! I've enjoyed doing some of my favourite things - eating, drinking, relaxing, shopping, exercising, eating... Although I overindulged a little bit I didn't lose control and go for a total binge so I'm happy about that! I've ate quite well today and plan to for the rest of the week. I'm also looking forward to cooking up some new dishes next weekend. I love a bit of experimentation in the kitchen! Well I'm off to join the Hubby watching the Newcastle match, glad they've been promoted! Hope you've all had a good one x
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