Do my best and chill!
Well it has been yet another lovely month, I can’t believe that it is November already, not long until Christmas now!
Favourite outfit from this month – my vintage dress!
At the start of the month I had set myself a few goals including getting my diet on track, reducing coffee down a bit and meditating more. I feel like I’ve done pretty well with these although there is definitely room for improvement. I have meditated but could do with giving myself the space to do this more. I have also dropped my coffee consumption down to about three / four times a week. We have also made a start on decorating by starting to clear out a lot of the clutter ready for actually getting down to business this month.
For me, October has been all about the pumpkin and squash! I just can’t get enough…
I’ve enjoyed pumpkin spice smoothies, pumpkin scrambles, pumpkin oats and pumpkin protein pudding not forgetting my Thai Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Soup!
I’ve also posted recipes for Squash and Chard Frittata, High Protein Spelt Wrap and 3 Ingredient No Bake Protein Bars. I definitely think I enjoy my food at this time of year more than any other!
Earlier in the month I gave you a bit of an update on how things are going for me on a more personal level in my Baby I was born this way post:
In that post I talked about eating meat again and this month I have enjoyed experimenting with wild salmon, organic chicken and organic beef, all of which seem to be suiting me pretty well.
Lovely beef with veggies in a tomato sauce on top of spaghetti squash
October Faves
Here’s a little vid with a few of my October faves – and some random mumblings as usual ;-)
As I say in the vid, I have set up a Products I Love Pinterest Board where I can add my favourite products with a mini review. I realised that there are a lot of products and brands I swear by and that would be a good way for me to share them with you and keep notes for myself!
Oh November I do love you but you are going to be a busy one for me! I have some major things happening this month including:
- A very exciting trip to London next week – I can not wait to tell you all about that!
- Redecorating the flat
- Moving offices at work
- Running a weekend programme for a local youth council
- Hopefully getting KHGS redesigned!
- Preparing for Christmas and all that comes with it
- Continuing with my IIN studies
With all of that going on, my goal for November is a pretty simple one:
- Do my best and chill!
If I manage to achieve all of those things above while remaining sane and keeping my daily healthy practices in tact I will be more than satisfied!
November Sponsors
This month I am super excited to be introducing three new Sponsors! First of all I’d like to welcome back NukuNuku Haramaki – please check out my review of their Haramaki bands – these are awesome for wearing under your clothes to keep you warm, as well as being practical for lovely pregnant ladies and if you are doing yoga! They are offering KHGS readers a brilliant 20% off with code SNUG1.
I am also delighted to have fellow blogger Tamzin from Salad and Sequins sponsoring the blog this month. I love Tam’s blog and she is one of my blogger best mates as we have met up a few times now. Please hop on over to Salad and Sequins to take a look – I think her blog is really original!
It is also fabulous to be introducing another blogger – Laura from Happy Sugar Habits. Her blog is full of ideas and inspiration for reducing sugar cravings and refined sugar in your diet, please check it out!
Of course I can not forget my long term sponsors Coyo, Lazy Giraffe and Teavivre as well as iHerb, Goodness Direct and MyProtein – please take a look at these great sites.
If you are interested in sponsoring KHGS please get in touch a.s.a.p! Due to high demand I am now offering extended sponsorship deals for 3+ months with an added discount. Drop me an email at
How has October been for you? Do you have any goals for November?
p.s I’ve been seriously falling behind on responding to comments recently. I always strive to respond to every single comment, but at the moment its just not possible – please just know I read and value every single one and will try and keep on top of it as best I can :-)
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