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Cold weather warmers and the £1 Christmas tree

Yesterday I finally found a 3 foot Christmas tree to stand on our side board as we don’t have the space for a full size tree. The best thing? It only cost £1!


Not bad eh? It was Asda Smart Price reduced from £3 to £1. I was a bit worried it would look like a toilet brush but once I’d dressed it up I think it looks pretty good! The lights were also just £1! I feel much better having a tree. The vase with snowy twigs has been relegated to the hall way.

I also thought I’d share a couple of pics of what I bought on Monday:


Thermal base layers and ski gloves from TK Maxx. I wore one of the black tops to the gym and it was very successful at keeping me at just the right temperature while working out. I love the gloves too, the crazy low temperatures have left me with serious pain in my hands and fingers when wearing regular gloves. These are well padded and soft – great for keeping me warm when I’m de icing the car!

I also got these two Barry M Nail paints in Red Black and Raspberry:


I love wearing these colours at this time of year and plan to make a special effort to keep my finger nails painted throughout the festive season!

I’ve been in serious need of knit ware so got this slash neck jumper from Next (£14):

Slash Neck Sweater

I love that purple colour. I also got a couple of basic long cardies for layering from Zara (£19.99):

I got them in a neutral grey and beige colour so that I can wear them with various other brighter colours and patterns.

Yesterday I did my Davina DVD in the morning and today I hit the gym for 30 minutes on the treadmill, 15 minutes on the step machine and abs and core work. Eats have been pretty tasty have just been whatever's most convenient! Breakfasts have included:

Kabocha Squash smoothie topped with Rude Health Granola and goji berries:


Chocolate pear and hazelnut porridge made with raw cacao powder, agave syrup, vanilla rice milk and Power Porridge mix (so tasty!) I also had a Starbucks VIA Coffee with vanilla rice milk and agave:


Lunches have been soup and fruit. Carrot, ginger and orange soup with kiwi and satsuma:


Leek, greens and white bean soup with two satsumas:


Snacks of 2 red chief apples with spicy lentil dip and carrot sticks – I get the lentil dip from Sainsbury’s but I’m going to try and recreate it myself sometime!


Blended silken tofu pudding – Vanilla and cinnamon flavour with a little honey:


Last nights dinner was some Chickpea and Vegetable Curry with spinach:


I also had an apple with some amaretto chocolate:


I was so hungry last night for some reason so I ended up eating another 2 apples, 3 satsumas and a bite of a blueberry and banana muffin!

Tonight I had a small baked sweet potato with spinach and cos lettuce topped with a mix of haricot beans, olives, red onion, carrot and cucumber:


For a little desert I had a bowl of frozen raspberries and mixed fruits with kara coconut milk:


I don’t know about you but I’m starting to feel the pressure of Christmas – I seem to have very little time but a million things to do! I have a huge to do list for the weekend and next weeks shaping up to be a crazy one with 2 late nights at work including our big Christmas awards event plus our staff Christmas night out. Are you feeling the pressure of getting sorted for Christmas?

Well I’m off to make a cup of tea, I’m sitting here shivering! Hope your having a great week!


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