Cinema, sales and stuffing my face!
I’m loving having this week off work – the week between Christmas and New Year is always the best! I had a relaxed Boxing Day starting with some yoga. I woke up feeling a bit stiff and thought a quick bit of yoga would do me good. I did a 20 minute Yoga for Runners flow that worked up a little sweat and helped wake me up! Breakfast was another indulgent bowl of porridge. This one included scottish oats, oat bran, orange juice, vanilla soy milk, egg whites, left over cranberry sauce, a tablespoon of marmalade, chopped macadamias, a drizzle of soy cream and a crumbled white chocolate and cranberry cookie:
I also had a Christmas coffee with amaretto liqueur. I’m going to miss these sugary and alcoholic breakfasts come January!
Lunch was Christmas day leftovers – some Veggie loaf topped with chilli jam and local organic chilli cheese baked in the oven until melty plus a huge pile of roast sprouts and parsnips and a little ketchup:
The Veggie Loaf with cheese was amazing, it tasted wonderful, almost like a cheese burger! My eyes were too big for my belly as I didn’t finish all those roast veggies even though I really wanted to.
Later that afternoon when my appetite returned I made up a big bowl of fruit including fresh figs, satsumas, pomegranate seeds and passion fruit topped with a large serving of Rachel’s Organic Greek yoghurt with honey plus flaked almonds:
For dinner I made an awesome snack plate including 4 sesame ryvita crackers, 2 topped with cream cheese and chilli jam and 2 topped with bousin garlic cheese, 4 dates stuffed with goats cheese and pistachios and maple roasted nuts. I also had more fresh figs, another satsuma, an apple (plus another unpictured one later) and a big slab of Green and Blacks Milk Chocolate with hazelnuts and raisins. Instead of more alcohol I made up a drink of POM juice with soda water:
I thoroughly enjoying eating all of this! Unfortunately after I’d polished all that off I went back to the kitchen and ended up having a little binge episode – I had more maple nuts, dates, a full size tub of low fat mango, pineapple and passion fruit yoghurt, dark chocolate and a slice of cheese. I got that awful out of control feeling when I knew I was physically very full but couldn’t stop myself eating. I did beat myself up about it but at the end of the day these things happen and I haven’t had a binge episode in a while. It did give me terrible indigestion and this morning I woke up feeling almost hung over!
I did make the extra effort to ensure I did my Davina DVD for a 45 minute resistance based workout when I got up. Even after last night I still fancied a bit of an indulgent breakfast – chocolate peanut butter smoothie with white chocolate stars:
This contained one large frozen banana, scoop of chocolate whey, 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder, 3 big tablespoons of peanut butter and soy milk. I also had a Christmas tea with soy cream.
James had the day off so we headed over to Newcastle for a little sales shopping and to see Tron Legacy at the Tyneside Cinema as we both like our sci fi. I had a very successful shopping trip - I’ll have to post some pics of what I found but I got pretty much everything I was after and some fantastic bargains! We both really enjoyed the movie too. I took an apple and 2 satsumas along with me to snack on.
When we got home I made us an early dinner of sausage and mash – pork sausages and mashed potatoes for James and veggie sausages and mashed swede for me!
I also had some steamed broccoli and carrots plus some red onion gravy.
For dessert I mixed together a large tub of Rachel’s Organic low fat rhubarb yoghurt with a tin of Libby’s pumpkin puree and a teaspoon of ground ginger. I poured this mixture into 2 glass bowls and allowed to chill for an hour then topped with some chopped crystallised ginger and a gingerbread cookie:
This was fab! A great tasty dessert and not too sinful. I also ate 2 pink lady apples and some POM juice with soda water while we watched Scott Pilgrim.
How’s your festive eating going? I felt really crappy after stuffing my face last night but in the long run I think I’ll actually end up eating fewer calories over the next few days because I sickened myself so much! I’m glad the gyms open tomorrow to as I could do with some cardio burn. Unfortunately I think I may be coming down with a bit of a cold so I have my fingers crossed that it won’t get any worse!
Have you been sales shopping yet? Do you like shopping in the sales? I’m looking forward to sharing with you the bargains I picked up!
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