Brighton and London Shopping
Hi there everyone, get ready for a monster post, I really wasn't joking when I said I'd shopped till I dropped...
I have to start by explaining that this may appear quite extravagant in these tough times, however I had saved for this trip using my over time cash and my lovely Mam gave me by Birthday money a couple of weeks early so I've able to afford to indulge my shopping addiction. I am cold turkey now and back on my Big Budget Challenge!
I was really excited to be able to visit some health food stores in Brighton and London. I visited Infinity Foods in Brighton and Whole Foods in London. I also stopped by a few other little shops for chocolate goodies and an oriental supermarket. Heres what I bought:
Montzuma Dark Chocolate with Chilli, chopsticks, Dark Chocolate Dreams Peanut Butter (Oh my God! How lush?) Green Chai Tea, Green Tea, Choccywoccydoodah Milk Chocolate Discs with fruit and nut, Spirutein Fruitein sachet protein powder, Kallo Flatbreads in Seeded and Rosemary, RAW Crispbreads, Organic Cacao Nibs, Clif Bars, Fizz Wizz Popping Candy, Apple and Banana Puree, Nakd Ginger Bread Bar, Trek Cherry Flapjack, Meridian Peanut Butter and Oat bar, Rosskillys Organic Stem Ginger Fudge.
I'm so excited about trying all of these products, I've already eaten the fudge and Choccywoccydoodah which was amazing. I really wish I had shops like these near me, although its probably better for my bank balance that I don't!
I love all of the quirky bits and pieces you can pick up in Brighton. As we have been planning a bit of an overhaul of the flat I took advantage of the opportunity to get some interesting things:
Oriental Jewelry Box, Union Jack Doggy Door Stop (both England at Home) - we've called him Winston ;-), storage jars (Ikea, we picked these up yesterday as we didn't find anything in Brighton), Tahitan Vanilla and Chilli Pepper Scented Candle (Abode), Plastic cups / desert bowls, spotty mugs and Cath Kidson mugs (all Berts), reuseable muffin cases, mini plastic photoframes for fridge (all Habitat), Domino Book of Decorating (Urban Outfitters), Eliza Doolittle CD, Patterned Birdy Decorations, Cream Tin Heart Decoration (both Velvet). I've put all of this stuff away until our next week off in a few weeks when we will be sorting the flat out, I can't wait to put everything on display!
I visited Sweaty Betty and Sheactive to see if I could pick up some bargains in their sales, as well as some other great finds:
White Nike racer back vest top, pink Nike long line racer back vest with hidden support (both Sheactive), pink bobino headphone wire organisers (England at Home), pink BPA free plastic water bottle, white sweat bands and blue head band (both Sweaty Betty)
I have been in real need of an overhaul of my beauty products. My skin is quite good but I have a greasy t - zone, I think I'm starting to show the first signs of ageing and I would like my skin to have a better texture. I had seen a good review of the Origins Zero Oil Toner by Sarah, and my friend had recommended other Origins products so I thought I'd load up on them now while I have the money. I also got some of my favourite products from Keihls, Korres and a fab MAC lippy:
Korres Almond Shower Gel (Liberty), Creme de Corps light weight body moisturiser, Pear Tree Body Scrub, Ultra Facial Moisturiser with SPF 15 (all Kiehls), Zero Oil Toner, Starting Over Anti Ageing Moisturiser, A Perfect World eye cream, Modern Friction Dermabrasion facial scrub, Free bag with mini products (all Origins), Matte Russian Red Lipstick, Brick Red Lip Liner (both MAC)
I don't mind investing in good quality make up and skin care as, on the whole in my experience they last much longer than cheaper products and are much more effective.
I had a wonderful time clothes shopping! I had a few things in mind that I wanted to look for - I was going for things that I can wear Autumn / Winter, which are of a decent quality and can be mixed and matched for a range of outfits suitable for work, weekends, going out etc. I wanted to focus on affordable quality rather than quanity. Most of my autumn and winter clothes don't fit any longer, so I wanted some good basic pieces. I've spent today sorting through the old stuff ready to sell on ebay! Heres what I got:
Bag for work (TK Maxx) - I need a big bag for work which will hold my net book, folder and all the other junk I carry round, this fit the bill! Grey Leather peep toe boots (Oasis) these were reduced from £60 to £15, they look a lot better on than in the pic, I love them! Make up bag (free from Origins).
Sliver Bird and Heart necklace and Angel Wing Silver pendant (both Silverado) - I visit Silverado every time I'm in Brighton and always buy something. I love these simple little necklaces.
I have to start by explaining that this may appear quite extravagant in these tough times, however I had saved for this trip using my over time cash and my lovely Mam gave me by Birthday money a couple of weeks early so I've able to afford to indulge my shopping addiction. I am cold turkey now and back on my Big Budget Challenge!
I was really excited to be able to visit some health food stores in Brighton and London. I visited Infinity Foods in Brighton and Whole Foods in London. I also stopped by a few other little shops for chocolate goodies and an oriental supermarket. Heres what I bought:
Montzuma Dark Chocolate with Chilli, chopsticks, Dark Chocolate Dreams Peanut Butter (Oh my God! How lush?) Green Chai Tea, Green Tea, Choccywoccydoodah Milk Chocolate Discs with fruit and nut, Spirutein Fruitein sachet protein powder, Kallo Flatbreads in Seeded and Rosemary, RAW Crispbreads, Organic Cacao Nibs, Clif Bars, Fizz Wizz Popping Candy, Apple and Banana Puree, Nakd Ginger Bread Bar, Trek Cherry Flapjack, Meridian Peanut Butter and Oat bar, Rosskillys Organic Stem Ginger Fudge.
I'm so excited about trying all of these products, I've already eaten the fudge and Choccywoccydoodah which was amazing. I really wish I had shops like these near me, although its probably better for my bank balance that I don't!
I love all of the quirky bits and pieces you can pick up in Brighton. As we have been planning a bit of an overhaul of the flat I took advantage of the opportunity to get some interesting things:
Oriental Jewelry Box, Union Jack Doggy Door Stop (both England at Home) - we've called him Winston ;-), storage jars (Ikea, we picked these up yesterday as we didn't find anything in Brighton), Tahitan Vanilla and Chilli Pepper Scented Candle (Abode), Plastic cups / desert bowls, spotty mugs and Cath Kidson mugs (all Berts), reuseable muffin cases, mini plastic photoframes for fridge (all Habitat), Domino Book of Decorating (Urban Outfitters), Eliza Doolittle CD, Patterned Birdy Decorations, Cream Tin Heart Decoration (both Velvet). I've put all of this stuff away until our next week off in a few weeks when we will be sorting the flat out, I can't wait to put everything on display!
I visited Sweaty Betty and Sheactive to see if I could pick up some bargains in their sales, as well as some other great finds:
White Nike racer back vest top, pink Nike long line racer back vest with hidden support (both Sheactive), pink bobino headphone wire organisers (England at Home), pink BPA free plastic water bottle, white sweat bands and blue head band (both Sweaty Betty)
I have been in real need of an overhaul of my beauty products. My skin is quite good but I have a greasy t - zone, I think I'm starting to show the first signs of ageing and I would like my skin to have a better texture. I had seen a good review of the Origins Zero Oil Toner by Sarah, and my friend had recommended other Origins products so I thought I'd load up on them now while I have the money. I also got some of my favourite products from Keihls, Korres and a fab MAC lippy:
Korres Almond Shower Gel (Liberty), Creme de Corps light weight body moisturiser, Pear Tree Body Scrub, Ultra Facial Moisturiser with SPF 15 (all Kiehls), Zero Oil Toner, Starting Over Anti Ageing Moisturiser, A Perfect World eye cream, Modern Friction Dermabrasion facial scrub, Free bag with mini products (all Origins), Matte Russian Red Lipstick, Brick Red Lip Liner (both MAC)
I don't mind investing in good quality make up and skin care as, on the whole in my experience they last much longer than cheaper products and are much more effective.
I had a wonderful time clothes shopping! I had a few things in mind that I wanted to look for - I was going for things that I can wear Autumn / Winter, which are of a decent quality and can be mixed and matched for a range of outfits suitable for work, weekends, going out etc. I wanted to focus on affordable quality rather than quanity. Most of my autumn and winter clothes don't fit any longer, so I wanted some good basic pieces. I've spent today sorting through the old stuff ready to sell on ebay! Heres what I got:
Bag for work (TK Maxx) - I need a big bag for work which will hold my net book, folder and all the other junk I carry round, this fit the bill! Grey Leather peep toe boots (Oasis) these were reduced from £60 to £15, they look a lot better on than in the pic, I love them! Make up bag (free from Origins).
Sliver Bird and Heart necklace and Angel Wing Silver pendant (both Silverado) - I visit Silverado every time I'm in Brighton and always buy something. I love these simple little necklaces.
Patterned Shift Dress - Topshop
Grey Jersey Dress - Velvet
Red Floral Dress - Urban Outfitters
Stripey Tshirt Blouse - Zara, Skinny 'Baxter' Jeans - Topshop
Grey cotton hoody - H&M, Floral PJ Bottoms - Topshop
Floral Bra and Undies set - Topshop
Basic Tees - Topshop
Skinny Black Trousers - Gap, Tapered High Waisted Trousers - Zara
I was quite suprised how much I ended up buying from Topshop, I had looked in other stores like Gap and American Apparel for the jeans and tshirts but I prefered the Topshop options! Along with a couple of accessories I already have like belts and shoes I think I can pull these together into some nice outfits. I might even try and do a couple of Outfit Of The Day posts!
Hope you've enjoyed the post, I'm off to continue to sort out my stuff for Ebay!
Hope you've enjoyed the post, I'm off to continue to sort out my stuff for Ebay!
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