Book Review: Crazy Sexy Diet
I first heard about Kris Carr and Crazy Sexy Diet via the blog Choosing Raw. I loved the sound of it and thought it would be something right up my street so I decided to treat myself on Amazon!
Kris Carr is also author of two other books: Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips and Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor. Kris, an ex actress, was diagnosed with a rare cancer. After trying to work with conventional medicine she decided to study nutrition to help her over come her illness. Crazy Sexy Diet is basically a resource that explains her approach not only on nutrition, but a complete lifestyle that according to Kris will support you to feel amazing, protect your health and make you glow.
The beautifully illustrated book covers various topics including information on PH levels in the body and which foods are acid forming and alkaline, the affect of eating refined sugars, eating low GI foods, caffeine and animal products, the importance of eating raw food and the need for enzymes, detoxification, food combining for good digestion and supplements. The book also delves into meditation, using affirmations, making inspiration boards etc. It concludes with a plan for a 21 day ‘adventure’ cleanse that is pretty hard core, even for my standards! There is also a small selection of recipes.
Overall the book promotes a non processed vegan diet with a high portion of organic raw foods, green juices and smoothies.
I really enjoyed reading this book, firstly because I am a visual person I found the books beautiful design and illustrations made the content more accessible. I also enjoyed finding out more on the topics of PH levels in the body, the case for eating raw foods and enzymes and particularly the sections on meditation and affirmations.
Herby Carrot and Ginger Dip recipe from Crazy Sexy Life
I also really enjoyed Kris’s writing style which is very positive, friendly and non judgemental but still with a heavy dose of tough love.
Some sections of the book I skipped over a little – mainly the section on meat and dairy as once you have read books like The Kind Diet, Skinny Bitch and Eating Animals you get the picture that meat and dairy may not be the best for your health – I have to say that Kris struck a good balance between the research based stuff on this and the ethical and welfare aspects.
The book is also very much geared towards an American reader, however this didn’t stop me from enjoying the book.
I think this book would be great for someone who may be struggling with niggling health conditions (or obviously more serious ones) and are opened minded to converting to a vegan or near vegan diet, or someone who is already vegan and is looking to up their diet a notch in order to increase energy and improve their health and wellbeing. Here’s a link to 15 ‘top tips’ based on the information from the book and a recipe for the delicious ‘make juice not war’ green juice.
There are a few things in particular that I have taken from the book which I would like to incorporate into my lifestyle:
- Drink more green juice – I was already a big fan of green juices but after reading the book I will be making even more of an effort to drink my greens whenever possible!
- Eat a good portion of my food raw or lightly cooked – Kris explains the scientific basis for eating plenty of fresh raw foods and although I do eat some raw foods I would like to make sure that I keep this up
- Use essential oils – there is a great section in the book that talks about using essential oils not only on the body but also in food, I would love to experiment with this!
- Try meditation and affirmations – I already love making inspiration boards and have tried to meditate and use affirmations before. As I have some pretty big ideas for my future, and as I sometimes struggle with mental burnout I think trying these things out again would be beneficial for me.
Overall I found this a highly enjoyable and inspirational book. Kris Carr’s positive attitude is simply infectious! One day I may even try a modified version of the 21 day cleanse (modified because I don’t think it would sustain my physical activity level as it is described in the book).
Has anyone else came across or read Crazy Sexy Diet? If not, is this book something you think you would be interested in? Do you meditate or use affirmations?
You can find out a lot more about the book and Kris Carr at Crazy Sexy Life which is a great website regularly updated with useful posts on all sorts of healthy living topics.
This weeks affirmation: I am focused and productive at work :-)
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