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Awesome Gig!

Well heres a quick recap of my adventures yesterday - I'm definitely fully recovered now, I was up nice and early to do my workout DVD, it felt good to lift a few (light) weights!

Breakfast was a yoghurty mess with natural yoghurt mixed with a scoop of vanilla whey, two chopped peaches and some of my home mixed muesli.

This hit the spot!

Work was really quiet in the morning, I had managed to get out of going to the event we were hosting as there wasn't much I would be gaining from it and I have a to do list a mile long. I was extra happy as my laptop has been returned, but it has been given a new hard drive so its likely that I'll have to sit and reload everything on to it at the weekend. All I have to do now is decide between the netbook and laptop for day to day blog reading, writing and general internet surfing. The laptop is bigger and has rubbish battery life but the netbook is much slower. Decisions decisions...

Lunch was 5 turkey, hummus and spinach roll ups with carrot and cucumber on the side followed by an orange.

I got a lovely big pot of caramelised onion hummus from Tesco which I have never tried before. I'm so happy to have hummus back in my life, I'm so addicted to this stuff! I also bought a hummus 'stack' with a few different varieties to try (also from Tesco, they have a much better range of reduced fat flavoured hummus than Sainsbury's).

Mid afternoon I snacked on an apple and two babybel light.

I had a quick change and freshen up at work before heading straight over to Newcastle to meet up with the hubby. We went to Subway and I had a 6 inch wheat bread with chicken teriyaki and sweet onion, a little cheese and plenty of veggies.

It was very tasty but not really that filling! I popped to Boots and bought a couple of snack packs - yoghurt coated raisins (which I ate so quick they never touched the sides) and some dried apricots which were delicious.

I also had a bottle of Bud before we went to the gig, I love a nice cold bottle of beer every now and again!

We headed up to the gig and when we got there they told us that one of the acts - Joanne Shaw Taylor had pulled out for some reason so I was a bit disapointed as out of all the acts it was her album I'd been listening to. Anyway, I was really pleasantly suprised with the gig, it was brilliant! The venue was tiny so it had a really intimate atmosphere. The first act were called Virgil and the Accelerators and were excellent, the lead singer / guitarist looked just like Robert Pattinson!

Oli Brown Band, the main act were awesome, especially when he came off stage with his guitar, walked up to me and started basically serenading me! I went bright red and they pointed the spot light on us, I just didn't know what to do! He's quite cute in a geeky way! I was hoping the hubby would have got a photo but I think he was just in awe.

We were buzzing after that! When we got home I snacked on a little peach before bed.

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea, decaf coffee, beer, soda water

All in all a great gig! Right, I am now off to get ready to go to the Dr Who Exhibition, will catch you later and I promise not to be too geeky! x


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