Attack of the hunger monster
I think my body has been harbouring a giant hunger monster today, my apetite has been unstoppable! I started off by eating a Cashew Cookie Nakd bar chopped into little pieces with a chopped apple as some pre gym fuel.
I hit the gym for a big cardio workout. I started on the treadmill by walking for 5 minutes to warm up then I ran for 25 minutes at a fairly slow pace. My knee was ok then it started to hurt about 15 minutes in. I kept going but I was disapointed that the pain has come back. I think that there must still be inflamation in the knee, I'm going to have to continue icing it I think. I then did 30 minutes constant rate on the cross trainer and 30 minutes constant rate on the step machine followed by some stretching. I'm doing these 90 minute cardio sessions at a steady rate to try and keep my fitness levels up while I'm not running longer distances.
When I got home I made a lovely big breakfast. I started with some porridge.
Then I added two chopped apricots and a chopped plum.
Followed by some Rachels Organic Rhubarb yoghurt with a scoop of vanilla whey mixed in.
All topped off with some grape nuts, flaked almonds and goji berries.
This was very satisfying and managed to sort my hunger out for a while at least! I love these layer ups and the change of temperature between the hot porridge and cold yoghurt and fruit.
I got myself ready and then headed over to my parents to see my Aunt and Uncle who have travelled up from Brighton for a few days. My sister, her hubby, my Nephew and my Grandma all came along too and we had dinner mid afternoon. I started with some roast chicken, salad and coleslaw.
Then I had another plate with a slice of thick ham, more salad and coleslaw.
I had a big bowl with grapes, an orange and strawberries topped with a big spoonful of my Mam's triffle.
I ended up having another bowl with more strawberries and a lot more triffle! The triffle wasn't too unhealthy as it was all sugar free jelly, low fat custard but proper cream, yum!
Over the afternoon, even though I felt full I couldn't help myself popping back into the kitchen and nibbling on more grapes and strawberries. I think all this fruit is probably knocking my blood sugar levels off and keeping me hungry!
I went and picked the hubby up from work, came home and made myself some sweet egg whites in an attempt to fill myself up. I mixed two large egg whites with some cinnamon and mixed spice and microwaved for a minute then served it with some apple sauce and agave syrup.
This did manage to satisfy me for a couple of hours. To try and make sure that I didn't get the evening snackies I decided to make myself a Mocha protein shake using a scoop of chocolate whey, some decaf instant coffee, ice cubes and water.
I am praying that this is going to stop me eating the contents of my kitchen this evening!
Do you ever have those days where you could literally eat everything in sight? I've just been so ravenous, I'm actually quite amazed that I managed to not give in and eat a big slice of chocolate cake, crisps, and quiche! I know that its not 'real' hunger as I've ate plenty of protein so I'm just trying to keep myself busy and out of the kitchen. Hows everyones weekends been? I'm not going to even mention the football, I'm actually quite enjoying the other matches but I find watching England very stressful!
Well I am now on count down for my holidays. In one weeks time I shall be lying by the pool chilling out in the sun and I can not wait! Do you have a holiday or vacation planned this Summer? Do you have any exciting plans? x
I hit the gym for a big cardio workout. I started on the treadmill by walking for 5 minutes to warm up then I ran for 25 minutes at a fairly slow pace. My knee was ok then it started to hurt about 15 minutes in. I kept going but I was disapointed that the pain has come back. I think that there must still be inflamation in the knee, I'm going to have to continue icing it I think. I then did 30 minutes constant rate on the cross trainer and 30 minutes constant rate on the step machine followed by some stretching. I'm doing these 90 minute cardio sessions at a steady rate to try and keep my fitness levels up while I'm not running longer distances.
When I got home I made a lovely big breakfast. I started with some porridge.
Then I added two chopped apricots and a chopped plum.
Followed by some Rachels Organic Rhubarb yoghurt with a scoop of vanilla whey mixed in.
All topped off with some grape nuts, flaked almonds and goji berries.
This was very satisfying and managed to sort my hunger out for a while at least! I love these layer ups and the change of temperature between the hot porridge and cold yoghurt and fruit.
I got myself ready and then headed over to my parents to see my Aunt and Uncle who have travelled up from Brighton for a few days. My sister, her hubby, my Nephew and my Grandma all came along too and we had dinner mid afternoon. I started with some roast chicken, salad and coleslaw.
Then I had another plate with a slice of thick ham, more salad and coleslaw.
I had a big bowl with grapes, an orange and strawberries topped with a big spoonful of my Mam's triffle.
I ended up having another bowl with more strawberries and a lot more triffle! The triffle wasn't too unhealthy as it was all sugar free jelly, low fat custard but proper cream, yum!
Over the afternoon, even though I felt full I couldn't help myself popping back into the kitchen and nibbling on more grapes and strawberries. I think all this fruit is probably knocking my blood sugar levels off and keeping me hungry!
I went and picked the hubby up from work, came home and made myself some sweet egg whites in an attempt to fill myself up. I mixed two large egg whites with some cinnamon and mixed spice and microwaved for a minute then served it with some apple sauce and agave syrup.
This did manage to satisfy me for a couple of hours. To try and make sure that I didn't get the evening snackies I decided to make myself a Mocha protein shake using a scoop of chocolate whey, some decaf instant coffee, ice cubes and water.
I am praying that this is going to stop me eating the contents of my kitchen this evening!
Do you ever have those days where you could literally eat everything in sight? I've just been so ravenous, I'm actually quite amazed that I managed to not give in and eat a big slice of chocolate cake, crisps, and quiche! I know that its not 'real' hunger as I've ate plenty of protein so I'm just trying to keep myself busy and out of the kitchen. Hows everyones weekends been? I'm not going to even mention the football, I'm actually quite enjoying the other matches but I find watching England very stressful!
Well I am now on count down for my holidays. In one weeks time I shall be lying by the pool chilling out in the sun and I can not wait! Do you have a holiday or vacation planned this Summer? Do you have any exciting plans? x
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