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Another cookbook

Hello everyone, how’s your week going? Not long till the weekend now!

Breakfasts these last couple of days have been so good, but lets face it, when is breakfast never good? After my run on Wednesday I made a big green smoothie:


This contained a lot of spinach, small frozen banana, pear, ice, vanilla hemp protein, water, maca, mesquite, stevia and xanthan and guar gums for thickness. I topped it with a few candy covered sunflower seeds and some peanut butter sauce (1 tbsp of smooth pb mixed with some warm water for drizzliness). Those chocolate covered sunflower seeds are amazing, loved them!

This mornings breakfast was toasted rye bread with Peanut Butter & Co Mighty Maple peanut butter and a Strawberry and Rhubarb smoothie made with hemp milk and my rhubarb and ginger compote:


This was just the most satisfying breakfast. The smoothie was amazing, and yes I actually had this one from a glass and not a bowl for a change, although I did end up chugging it down in 10 seconds flat! The peanut butter was heavenly too! I’m really going to enjoy working my way through my NYC nut butter stash!

Lunches have been the same salad beast:


Romaine, mixed leaves, cucumber, a whole red pepper (I have a weird craving for red peppers at the moment!) carrot, radish, cubed basil tofu and some courgette dressing, plus some un pictured fruit. I love that basil tofu, its just delicious!

Dinners have been an easy to throw together Buddha bowl:


Brown and wild rice, green lentils, onions cooked in coconut oil, lots of chopped basil and parsley with steamed kale and broccoli with shoyu plus a few mixed seeds and drizzle of Thai Taste ginger and yellow chilli sauce. Simple but oh so tasty!

Last night I had a couple of chopped braeburn apples with tofu yoghurt for dessert:


Tonight I made myself a giant bowl of double chocolate protein ice cream (1 scoop of chocolate sun warrior protein powder, 2 cups of ice, 1/2 cup of hemp milk, 1 tbsp of raw cacao powder, stevia, water and xanthan and guar gums:


Topped with dark chocolate covered pomegranate seeds, nom! :-)

Exercise has been good - I blogged about my Wednesday morning run in yesterdays Motivation post, this morning I did a 20 minute Yoga for Detox session – I’ve been back on Yoga Download for some new sessions to add to my usual Yoga for Runners. If you haven’t checked out Yoga Download you should take a look. The free 20 minute guides are perfect for me! Tonight I was at the gym for an hour long 3,2,1 workout which was awesome – I’m really enjoying doing these workouts, changing things up like this has made my workouts far more interesting and fun!

The last thing I need is another cookbook (I’m running out of space to store them!) but I was browsing on Amazon the other day and I couldn’t help ordering this:

Appetite for Reduction by Isa Chandra Moskovitz. This is a vegan cookbook that focuses on healthy low calorie and fat recipes. Although I’m not looking to lose weight I still wanted to get this book as I knew it would be full of healthy and very tasty vegan food. I’m looking forward to trying out some of these recipes, especially the sauces and salad dressings – will keep you posted!

What’s the last cookbook you purchased?

P.S.You still have time to enter my GIVEAWAY if you haven’t already – it closes at 12am GMT tomorrow, check it out!


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