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Achey Legs

My word my legs are aching today! I don't know what it's been as I don't really feel like I've done anything out of the ordinary exercise wise. I practically hobbled into the shower but I bit of warm water and stretching really helped them.
Breakfast was a pear yoghurt mess (and it really did look a mess today!) containing some of my new maca powder, ground flax, quinoa flakes, grape nuts, raisins, flaked almonds, greek yoghurt and one chopped pear. It doesn't look very attractive it but tasted lovely I promise!

I could really taste the maca in it, it has a slighly malty taste which was quite nice.

Mid morning I had some hummus with carrot and cucumber for dipping.

Lunch was a big salad containing mixed salad leaves, spinach, carrot, red onion, cucumber, turkey slices cut into ribbons and mixed with light mayo and in the spirit of trying new things in my salads some alfalfa sprouts that I picked up in the shops yesterday. I didn't know how much flavour these would add but I could taste them, they added a nice crunchy freshness as well as loads of nutrients.

I followed my giant salad with two oranges.

Before leaving work for the gym I snacked on half a large sized Berry Cheeky Nakd bar for some energy.

This was my first gym based fitness session in a week, and I wanted to start with my increased speeds and resistance levels as detailed in my April Training Plan. I managed to do all of the planned increases as well as my new abs exercises which included the plank. I managed to run for 1 minute at 7mph on the treadmill for the first time too, and considering that my legs had still been achey I was really chuffed with that!

For dinner I fried up one of my homemade veggie bean burgers and served it with loads of salad and a little ketchup.

For desert I mixed up some chocolate protein goo and added some natural peppermint flavour to make it chocy minty, yum!

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea

I spent a little bit of time today looking at different recipes that I would like to try out next week and seeing how I could fit them into a meal plan. I try to plan as many meals in advance, mainly to save on waste, to try and make sure that I'm eating a good range of foods and to ensure that I'm making something that the Hubby can have too. What's your thoughts on meal planning? Do you plan or do you just go with the flow?  

Well this is just going to be a quickie post, I'm going to watch the footy on the TV whilst doing a bit of blog reading in bed. I feel really exhausted from that workout now! Hope you have all had a great day! x


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