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A rip in the Spacetime Continuum? October review and November goals


Happy World Vegan Day everyone!

I think everyone is saying this at the moment, but time really is passing so quickly this year. I can’t believe its the 1st of November already, in fact we’ve been joking at work that there must have been a rip in the Spacetime Continuum! October has been an interesting month to say the least, with James job situation it was stress city around here for a while! However it has all gone good in the end and overall October has been a great month. I’ve done well against all the goals I set for myself, and actually, I’ve been having a blast!

I’ve done ok on my Big Budget Challenge, its been tough, but I’m finding that it has massively changed my perspective on things and has seriously altered my spending habits!

big budget button

As its been so focused on my grocery spend, its really made me appreciate eating simpler foods and has helped me to prioritise which ‘health’ foods I still want to spend money on.

I’ve also been feeling super organised! My weekend cook up sessions mean that I can eat really delicious healthy and cheap meals during the week without having to stress out in the kitchen.

I’ve blogged quite a few recipes for Vegan Mofo as well, and have enjoyed some truly delicious seasonal food this month, I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed my food more so than now:

P1100941Brown rice porridge with butternut squash puree, apple, raisins, cinnamon and almond butter

P1110155_thumbPumpkin Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies, yum!

P1110363My absolute favourite thing right now – fresh figs, tahini and dark chocolate NOM!

I’ve stuck to my training plan and have progressed really well, especially in my strength training.

I’ve gained a touch more weight and I’m really feeling pretty well balanced right now. I’ve still had a couple of times when I’ve eaten too much on an evening, but I’m practising kindness and not beating myself up about it when it happens – after all I think having a couple of snack fests is normal! I’m still trying to eat a bit more intuitively by honouring my cravings, and generally this is helping to reduce over eating. I’m also loving the balance I have between raw and cooked foods – I definitely feel like I’m hitting my ‘sweet spot’ in terms of eating foods that are not only delicious, but are nourishing my body and mind as well!

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In November I’d like to:

  • Have lots of fun! This month I have my best friends 80’s themed 30th Birthday Party and I’m hoping to have everyone round on Saturday night for a Bonfire night get together
  • Continue the Big Budget Challenge
  • Keep up with my training plan and enjoy the ‘set back’ week that will be coming up in the middle of the month
  • Try and get a couple more assignments completed for my Diet and Nutrition course (I’m almost finished!)
  • Coordinate bloggers Secret Santa!
  • Start to get organised for enjoying Christmas on a budget this year
  • Get my bedroom and living room decor updated finally!

November Sponsors


This month I’d like to welcome back two bloggers: Cat from Knitting Running Eating and Sarah from Every Day’s a Picnic, please take a look at these lovely ladies blogs!

I’d also like to thank long term sponsors Viva Pure, iHerb and Goodness Direct for partnering with me for another month. Don’t forget you can still take advantage of those discount codes if you haven’t already. If you used the Goodness Direct code, and are looking to make another purchase for Christmas, drop me an email and I’ll hook you up with a fresh discount code.

For November I’d like to welcome Linwoods who are sponsoring me for the first time. I’m a big fan of Linwoods, particularly their ground flax and shelled hemp seeds. They have contributed some goodies for giveaway too!

linwoods button boarder

I’d also like to welcome back Good Hemp – they are running an exclusive competition in conjunction with Famously Fit with a chance to win £300 worth of Good Hemp products, plus the first 200 entrants will receive a complimentary sample. Check it out here!


They will also be contributing more products for giveaway so watch this space :-)

Don’t forget – if your interested in sponsoring check out the details on my sponsor page. Don’t worry if you don’t have a blog button or suitable company logo, I can design one for you!

How was October for you? Do you have any goals for November? What are you looking forward to in the coming month?

I love Bonfire night, and then once that’s done its all about getting ready for Christmas for me!

Hope your having a great week!


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