jual kayu murah menerima order bahan

A big relief!

I just want to start by saying a huge thank you for all of your comments to my last post. They were really touching and made me feel so much better, so thank you all!

It was strange getting up and being able to laze about on a Saturday morning for a change, I'm so used to getting up and going straight out for my long run. I actually really enjoyed just being able to have a lazy breakie and watch rubbish on TV. I made a brilliant breakfast having been inspired by Susan's layered creation. I started with some porridge made with water and a chopped apple...

...then added some semi defrosted blueberries...

...then some quark mixed with vanilla rice milk (so it has a more yoghurty consistancy) topped with...

...grape nuts and flaked almonds.

This was a super breakfast! I loved the change of temperature as you ate through the layers from cold to hot.

After breakfast I did some cleaning around the flat and got myself ready for the physio. Before I left I made myself a quick protein shake using a scoop of chocolate whey, a little skimmed milk, some water, ice cubes and a handful of fresh mint leaves. I blended it all up to make a chocolate mint flavour shake.

Using the fresh mint worked really well.

So I had my physio appointment, and I'm happy to report its good news! I don't have any serious damage but he thinks that my problem is due to my knee cap tracking out of line. He said it was due to bio mechanics, basically my knees and hips rotate inwards which is pushing my knee cap out of where it should be. He suggested that I check my running shoes are doing their job - it may be that I need to buy some inserts as I have high arches in my feet. He also gave me several exercises to do to strengthen the muscles in my quads and glutes which should help. He said that theres no reason why I can't go back to the gym and even try a little running, I just need to take it easy to begin with. He said I might also want to look at how much exercise I'm doing where my knees are under strain. When I think about it, all the lunges and squats in my DVD's as well as going heavy at the gym are all straining my knees. He also suggested that I try Pilates (thanks for that suggestion too Ilana!) So overall I'm very happy. The tightness in my thighs has almost gone but I can still feel a little pain in my knee so I think tomorrow I'm going to have a short session at the gym and see how I go. I feel miles better after the appointment, its really put my mind at rest.

After that I popped through to my parents to sit and enjoy the sunshine in their garden and meet up with my sis and nephew for a while. I made myself up a little packed lunch of tuna salad (spinach, cucumber, red onion, tuna and a little light mayo), two apricots and a carton of Vita Coco Coconut Water with mango and peach.

I ate this in my parents back garden, I love it when the weathers nice enough to eat outdoors! For the rest of the afternoon I snacked on strawberries and grapes before heading over to town to do a bit of shopping for my hols. I bought my sunscreen and some of the new Topshop Make up - two eye crayons and a cream blusher, there gorgeous! I also popped into Waitrose for some more smoked tofu, while I was there I spotted some Cashew Cookie Nakd bars so I can finally try them out!

When me and the hubby got home I was starving! I put a big tray of brocolli, red pepper, asaparagus and red onion in the oven to roast and then I steamed some salmon.

This sorted my hunger out!

I then had a little bowl of vanilla protein goo (scoop of vanilla whey, a little rice milk mixed until gooey) with a little apple sauce mixed in plus a couple of broken brazil nuts on top.

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea

I feel like a bit of an idiot for getting myself so worked up about my knee, but at the end of the day I'm just so glad that its nothing serious. I'm really looking forward to getting back in the gym again!

Hope you have all had a great Saturday, the weather here has been fantastic but I think we have thunderstorms ahead for tomorrow. Hope you've had a good one! x


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